by Mtiks
These instructions are assuming that you are using Visual Studio (with Windows Phone 7 Tools & C# as the language) to build your project. Please follow the instructions below to integrate mtiks library into your existing development project.
- Create a new application in the portal and get a new code for the new app
- Download our library from the portal
- Requirements: .NET Framework 4, Windows Phone 7 Tools
- Add a reference to System.Reflection if you don’t have it already
- Please make sure that you have these capabilities in your WP7AppManifest.xml. Otherwise, you will get UnauthorizedAccessException.
<Capability Name="ID_CAP_IDENTITY_DEVICE"/> <Capability Name="ID_CAP_IDENTITY_USER"/>
- Reference app from your windows phone 7 project
- Declare the namespace as “using com.mtiks.winmobile;”
- At the beginning of Application_Launching and Application_Activated, add the following line:
mtiks.Instance.Start("YOUR_APP_KEY", Assembly.GetExecutingAssembly());
YOUR_APP_KEY is the code generated from the Apps page after you create an app. If you copied it, paste it in place of YOUR_APP_KEY. - Include the following statement at the beginning of “Application_Closing” and Application_Deactivated, add the following line
- If you would like to track custom events and attributes within your app (more info here):
mtiks.Instance.postEventAttributes("Event Name", "Attribute List in Dictionary strings");
- If you like to track your app exceptions from runtime, please use the following
mtiks.Instance.AddException( @"description" );