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WP7.5 Mango–Isolated Storage Explorer


One of the most useful new tools with the latest Windows Phone SDK is the Isolated Storage Explorer.

It is a command line tool used for downloading and uploading the contents of an application’s Isolated Storage folders to either the Emulator or a Device.


There are two times when this is invaluable.

The first is when you are deploying a new version and you do not want to lose the data. Since day one I have been annoyed with the frequency that that deployment mechanism decides to delete the application and reinstall it. By using this tool I never need to worry about that again as I can just save a snapshot, deploy, load the snapshot back in.

The second is when I find a bug with while using a retail copy of my app which I can not hook the debugger into. I can take a snapshot, load it into the emulator and debug.

To speed the process along I have created four windows .bat files that to perform each of the tasks I need.

"C:Program Files (x86)Microsoft SDKsWindows Phonev7.1ToolsIsolatedStorageExplorerToolISETool.exe" ts de a10463ba-b37b-4404-9da6-d51fc6ca179a "C:UsersLucaDesktopIsoStore"
"C:Program Files (x86)Microsoft SDKsWindows Phonev7.1ToolsIsolatedStorageExplorerToolISETool.exe" ts xd a10463ba-b37b-4404-9da6-d51fc6ca179a "C:UsersLucaDesktopIsoStore"
"C:Program Files (x86)Microsoft SDKsWindows Phonev7.1ToolsIsolatedStorageExplorerToolISETool.exe" rs de a10463ba-b37b-4404-9da6-d51fc6ca179a "C:UsersLucaDesktopIsoStoreIsolatedStore"
"C:Program Files (x86)Microsoft SDKsWindows Phonev7.1ToolsIsolatedStorageExplorerToolISETool.exe" rs xd a10463ba-b37b-4404-9da6-d51fc6ca179a "C:UsersLucaDesktopIsoStoreIsolatedStore"

To use these yourself you will need to replace the GUID with the value from your WMAppManifest file.


Posted in Mobile Development, News

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