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Author: Luca

Debugging Your Android App Wirelessly on an Android Smartphone


Developing for Android is very easy to set up and get started on your computer. However, a gripe shared among others, not just me, is that the Android emulator is too slow. On my old computer, it would take 1-2 minutes for it to boot up. In debugging mode, the response time is very slow.

There are two methods:

  1. Connect your phone to your computer and find the drivers online (if needed) to allow adb to recognize your phone as a running Android device. Eclipse and the ADT plugin will take care of the rest.
  2. The super dumb way is to take the .apk file that your Android project generates every time it compiles (at yourappfolder/bin/yourapp.apk), connect your phone to the computer via USB, push it to your phone, and install. But that is also very inefficient (and dumb)! What if you just wanted to test a small change real quick? You would have to keep your phone tethered to the computer, and constantly overwrite your .apk file and re-install your application each time you wanted to test it on your phone.

I have a way that allows you to test your Android application on your Android smartphone without physically connecting your phone to your computer. All it requires is a rooted Android smartphone, and a shared wifi network between the computer and the phone.

Note: This method requires a phone with root access, and accessing adb over a wifi network might be a security concern for some. Take this method for what it’s worth. If you are doing this on your own home network that is trusted and encrypted there shouldn’t be a problem, but I would avoid doing this in a public wifi network.

YooDeal: disponibile su Windows Phone il motore di ricerca dei deals tutto italiano

by HdBlog
Yoodeal MarketPlace

 Davvero una sopresa, l’applicazione per Windows Phone di YooDeal. Il servizio web tutto italiano, che consente di effettuare ricerche tra i numerosi siti di offerte presenti in rete, ha scelto proprio il sistema operativo di Microsoft per debuttare nel settore mobile, forte del supporto offerto da Microsoft e con l’obiettivo di sfruttare quello che è un mercato ancora privo di concorrenti e con ampie prospettive di crescita.

ciao bret :(

Sono convinto che il nostro Bret ora sia in un posto migliore, e che finalmente non soffrirà piu.. non riesco però a togliermi dalla mente il suo musetto mentre si addormentava per sempre.. soffriva si, ma non saprò mai se avrebbe preferito vivere un giorni in piu soffrendo oppure se era veramente quello che voleva, che tutto finisse.. abbiamo dovuto decidere noi, ho dovuto firmare io per interrompere le sue sofferenze e la sua vita, ma mi rimarrà il dubbio per sempre. Ciao bret 🙁


WP7 Tips : Adding a Progress Overlay to a Page (Part 2)


In part 1, we saw how to add a progress overlay on top of content on the screen. There may be times where you’d want to show progress but in a less intrusve way. For this, we can use a progress indicator displayed in the System Tray.

The system tray is the portion of the screen that displays phone information, like time and signal strength. An example of the SystemTray isshown below, highlighted in Green.


How to change the scroll bar color for a ListBox in Windows Phone?


On windows Phone, you can easily use templates to change the default UI for most of the controls. In this post, I am giving an example of how to change the color of a scroll bar in a list box. The template I provided here is extensive and can use used to change many things in the ListBox. In the below ControlTemplate for the ListBox, notice the ScrollBar’s and the BackGround property for the ScrollBars, Changing this to you preferred color will give the scroll bar in what ever color you like.