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Author: Luca

How to Install WinRAR 5.11.1 on Ubuntu 14.04 & Other Linux Ubuntu Derivatives

How to install WinRAR 5.11 on Ubuntu 14.04 (Linux) systems. Install WinRAR 5.11 on 32 bit Ubuntu 14.04 and install WinRAR 5.11 on 64 bit Ubuntu 14.04 system.

WinRAR is an archiving utility that completely supports RAR and ZIP archives and is able to unpack CAB, ARJ, LZH, TAR, GZ, ACE, UUE, BZ2, JAR, ISO, 7Z, Z archives.  The latest version of the WinRAR 5.11 comes with the following bug fixes and improvements:

Nuovo HTPC gaming

HTPC, per chi non lo sapesse, è l’acronimo di Home Theater Personal Computer, un computer cioè che fornisce l’intrattanimento domestico (video, musica, giochi) collegato al televisore.

Le caratteristiche base di un HTPC è che deve essere soprattutto un buon compromesso tra performance e consumi energetici (dato il suo scopo).

Dopo alcuni problemi di prestazioni (e ventole) con il mio vecchio Foxconn nT-A3700, che ha comunque fatto il suo dovere negli ultimi anni, ho deciso di sostituirlo con un HTPC piu performante (e silenzioso) che mi permesse di utilizzare l’ottimo XBMC (ora kodi) senza alcun problema di perfomance nel caricamento della mia libreria video, e men che meno nella riproduzione di video da 12-15gb.

Dato il passaggio di hardware, volevo inoltre qualcosa che mi permettesse di divertirmi di tanto in tanto con qualche titolo videoludico senza preoccuparmi di dover cambiare hardware ogni anno e men che meno di avere un pc “gaming” che consumi un sacco e sia molto rumoroso.

Dopo alcune ricerche quindi ecco l’hardware che ho acquistato:

Linux Creating a Partition Size Larger Than 2TB

Frankly speaking, you cannot create a Linux partition larger than 2 TB using the fdisk command. The fdisk won’t create partitions larger than 2 TB. This is fine for desktop and laptop users, but on server you need a large partition. For example, you cannot create 3TB or 4TB partition size (RAID based) using the fdisk command. It will not allow you to create a partition that is greater than 2TB. In this tutorial, you will learn more about creating Linux filesystems greater than 2 Terabytes to support enterprise grade operation under any Linux distribution.

How To Set Up an NFS Mount on Ubuntu 14.04



NFS, or Network File System, is a distributed filesystem protocol that allows you to mount remote directories on your server. This allows you to leverage storage space in a different location and to write to the same space from multiple servers easily. NFS works well for directories that will have to be accessed regularly.

In this guide, we’ll cover how to configure NFS mounts on an Ubuntu 14.04 server.

Setup your own mail server (Postfix, Dovecot, Spamassassin) – the easy way

I’ve written a loong post on how to configure Email with Postfix, Dovecot and MySQL on Debian 6 (Squeeze) and it seems quite popular, a lot of you come from Google searching on how to do this difficult task.

I recently felt like moving my mail server to a new one and decided to see if there’s anything out there to help me. A complete package was what I was looking for.

And I’ll be damn, I found it!


iRedmail is a free and open source package that does just what I want. It installs Postfix, Dovecot, Spamassasin, ClamAV, Roundcube and their own panel iRedAdmin.

iReadAdmin is a simple panel that helps you add domains and users/aliases. And that’s about it. They charge for an extended version called iRedAdmin-Pro but that price is way high for me.

It’s a painless installation, just follow the steps on their site and your done. I chose a MySQL backend since adding domain aliases, catch-all addresses etc gets a lot easier when you just connect with your MySQL-client and add some lines to the db (iRedAdmin is so limited you can’t do it there).

I will follow up this post with some guides on howto improve iRedmail and howto add DKIM to new domains etc.

Enable PPTP VPN on FortiOS 4.x

This tutorial is to show you how to enable PPTP VPN feature on Fortigate devices running FortiOS 4.0+.

After upgrading your Fortibox to the OS 4.0, the theme color changed (too visual, right), and the VPN PPTP for clients is gone. There is no PPTP option in the VPN section (GUI interface).

This is what you don’t want because there are so many existing remote users who need PPTP VPN to connect to work. With PPTP, Windows users, Linux users, and MacOS users could easily create a VPN connections and connect to the corporate network.


Performance Testing Your Web Server


To benchmark the performance of your web server applications we recommend the Apache “ab” tool.  The ab tool will show how many requests per second your Apache installation is capable of serving.  The ab tool is a part of the Apache httpd package in CentOS and Red Hat distributions and the “apache2-utils” package in Debian.

Below is the basic ab command and its output.  The -c parameter specifies the number of connections; the -k stands for HTTP Keep-Alive; and the -t parameter sets the time in seconds for which each connection is alive.  The application is then hammered through those connections.