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Category: Domotica e Cloud

Move WordPress to a subdirectory with Rancher

About one year ago, I wrote about Create wordpress blog with docker and rancher and was a great thing have a blog full dockerized in our rancher infrastructure.

Today, I’ve another challenge: put a wordpress blog to a subdirectory of a domain, keeping the main site separated from the blog in different docker containers, well.. not so easy.

What we should have, is something like: -> docker container with our main site -> different docker container with only the blog

I spent lots of time for understand the right way to do this, and finally, I got it!

Remove untagged images from docker


In the process of running docker I accumulated several images that are not tagged. To remove these I use this command:

docker rmi $(docker images -a | grep "^" | awk '{print $3}')

This works by using rmi with a list of image ids. To get the image ids we call docker images then pipe it to grep “^”. The grep will filter it down to only lines with the value “” in the repository column. Then to extract the id out of the third column we pipe it to awk “{print $3}” which will print the third column of each line passed to it.

PowerWasp – PCB per NodeMCU

In questo video potete vedere come la powerwasp riesce in modo incredibile a realizzare da una lastra di rame un pcb pronto per l’utilizzo.
Nel mio caso ho realizzato un circuito in grado di rilevare in ingresso l’accensione di una luce 220V e di comandare a sua volta un uscita luci sempre a 220V.
Il tutto comandato da remoto tramite NodeMCU, basato su piattaforma ESP8266.

Presto nuovi aggiornamenti sulla piattaforma che gestisce questa nuova domotica.

How to set filters in roundcube with Sieve

Ok, You have your fantastic mail server with roundcube as web client.

All work great but hey, wait a moment… how can i set a filter in roundcube?

Filtering emails in webclient (gmail, outlook etc) its a normal thing but in your mail server it’s not automatic, and you have to do a bit of work for have it in your roundcube.

This is a quick tutorial on how to configure all on Ubuntu 12.04 with postfix+dovecot+roundcube (I assume that you already installed them).

Let’s start:

Setup your own mail server (Postfix, Dovecot, Spamassassin) – the easy way

I’ve written a loong post on how to configure Email with Postfix, Dovecot and MySQL on Debian 6 (Squeeze) and it seems quite popular, a lot of you come from Google searching on how to do this difficult task.

I recently felt like moving my mail server to a new one and decided to see if there’s anything out there to help me. A complete package was what I was looking for.

And I’ll be damn, I found it!


iRedmail is a free and open source package that does just what I want. It installs Postfix, Dovecot, Spamassasin, ClamAV, Roundcube and their own panel iRedAdmin.

iReadAdmin is a simple panel that helps you add domains and users/aliases. And that’s about it. They charge for an extended version called iRedAdmin-Pro but that price is way high for me.

It’s a painless installation, just follow the steps on their site and your done. I chose a MySQL backend since adding domain aliases, catch-all addresses etc gets a lot easier when you just connect with your MySQL-client and add some lines to the db (iRedAdmin is so limited you can’t do it there).

I will follow up this post with some guides on howto improve iRedmail and howto add DKIM to new domains etc.

Enable PPTP VPN on FortiOS 4.x

This tutorial is to show you how to enable PPTP VPN feature on Fortigate devices running FortiOS 4.0+.

After upgrading your Fortibox to the OS 4.0, the theme color changed (too visual, right), and the VPN PPTP for clients is gone. There is no PPTP option in the VPN section (GUI interface).

This is what you don’t want because there are so many existing remote users who need PPTP VPN to connect to work. With PPTP, Windows users, Linux users, and MacOS users could easily create a VPN connections and connect to the corporate network.
