This tutorial is to show you how to enable PPTP VPN feature on Fortigate devices running FortiOS 4.0+.
After upgrading your Fortibox to the OS 4.0, the theme color changed (too visual, right), and the VPN PPTP for clients is gone. There is no PPTP option in the VPN section (GUI interface).
This is what you don’t want because there are so many existing remote users who need PPTP VPN to connect to work. With PPTP, Windows users, Linux users, and MacOS users could easily create a VPN connections and connect to the corporate network.
To benchmark the performance of your web server applications we recommend the Apache “ab” tool. The ab tool will show how many requests per second your Apache installation is capable of serving. The ab tool is a part of the Apache httpd package in CentOS and Red Hat distributions and the “apache2-utils” package in Debian.
Below is the basic ab command and its output. The -c parameter specifies the number of connections; the -k stands for HTTP Keep-Alive; and the -t parameter sets the time in seconds for which each connection is alive. The application is then hammered through those connections.
DD-WRT firmware supports Wireless Client Mode which enable your router into fully capableWireless Adapter. Client mode is just wireless connection between two routers. You can connect your router to the another Wireless Network or to the Hotspot. You can also share your android phone data connection to your home network on multiple devices which are not capable to connect via wi-fi.
Normally I used Client Mode on DD-WRT when my ISP shutdown for some days. I could connect my android device to my home network and share 3G connection to the multiple PC which are connected to the router via LAN port.
Here I’m going to show you today, how to set up Client Mode on DD-WRT Router in simple steps!, It is a quite simple method that by change Wireless Mode of your DD-WRT Router.
MySQL consente di “fotocopiare” i database gestiti da un singolo server principale su molteplici server secondari: un’ottima soluzione per distribuire il carico oppure per approntare una procedura di backup efficiente ed automatica.
Quando il carico sull’infrastruttura inizia a divenire elevato, affiancare un secondo server a quello principale è pressochè un obbligo per rimanere operativi.
Anche la versione “community” di MySQL (ovvero quella gratuita) offre una comoda funzione di replicazione che consente di “fotocopiare” in maniera del tutto automatica i dati immessi sul primo server anche sull’altro(oppure “sugli altri”, in caso le macchine impiegate siano più numerose).
Fino ad ora ci siamo soffermati (in diverse lezioni) sulle modalità di gestione di file e cartelle. In questa lezione vedremo un argomento strettamente correlato: la gestione dei permessi(argomento molto importante essendo Linux un sistema multiutente).
In una precedente lezione di questa guida abbiamo visto il comando ls, in particolar modo abbiamo già detto che l’utilizzo della sintassi:
ls -al
ha la funzione di stampare a video l’elenco dei file (anche quelli nascosti) e delle cartelle presenti nella posizione corrente.
L’output generato da questo comando è ricco di informazioni:
While I’m not the biggest saint in the IT world when it comes to doing backups ([religious figure]-bless the fact OpenVZ has a simple container-back up function), when you do perform a backup one of the worse things that can possibly happen (besides a corrupted backup) is the backup not being created due to an error. Even though I wasn’t doing a back up at the time I ran into this issue, I thought it would be helpful as MySQL still has a pretty strong hold on the database market, especially on *nix systems.
When running mysqldump to back up a database, you get this error:
This error can be for any number of reasons. I’ve ran into this because /var was 80+% full (very, very horrible situation). While clearing /var is pretty easy (if you’re brave, run this command: for i in `find /var/log -type f -iname .log`; do rm -rf $i; done), it won’t always be that easy. The real tricky part is when you get this error on a table or database you thought you already deleted. Welcome, this article.
Reputo AWSTATS uno dei migliori tool di monitoring per tenere sotto controllo le visite e il traffico di rete di uno o più siti web in un server web. Vediamo adesso come installarlo e configurarlo in modo semplice e corretto, con un’occhio di riguardo anche alla sicurezza.
Deluge is a great BitTorrent client that you can install on Ubuntu to allow you to share your favourite files with the rest of the BitTorrent community.
In the newer versions of Ubuntu, Deluge comes in two parts; the server (also called the daemon) and the user interface. This means you can install the Deluge daemon as a headless service and then control it from a remote machine. You can either control the daemon using the Deluge client itself (for example the Windows version of Deluge) or alternatively you can use your browser to control it. If you’ve not installed VNC and are running a purely headless setup then running Deluge headless is pretty much your only option! So, here’s how you install it:
La funzionalità di ricerca FULLTEXT è un particolare tipo di ricerca del Database MySql effettuata usando la sintassi MATCH() … AGAINST(). All’interno di MATCH() andremo ad inserire una lista di campi separati da virgola, in cui andremo a carcare il contenuto di AGAINST().